York-Finch Eye Associates

York Finch Eye Associates, associated with Humber River Regional Hospital is a well-established ophthalmology practice started by Dr. William Samis MD, FRCSC.  Dr. Steven Arshinoff MD, FRCSC is now the directing partner of YFEA which provides a medical eye clinic incorporating ophthalmology, optometry and adjacent opticians (Gough Optical).  Dr. Maharaj started the optometry division at YFEA in 2005 and this collaborative model serves as an inspiration to the newly founded eyeLABS clinic in Brampton.  YFEA provides teaching services to medical residents via the Eye Foundation of Canada (founded by Dr. Arshinoff) where medical students interested in ophthalmology can apply for scholarship programs through the foundation.  This clinic is a referral based clinic and can be accessed through your family physician.